The Venue @ Valley View
on going Progress
Excavating begins on the stage foundation
3 May 2023
"A spectacular listening room"
"What an awesome venue!"
"The best venue on my tour"
"Uber cool and worth supporting"
"The coolest, chillest spot we've played"
"The Venue is Creston's Living-Room"
"The Venue ... is very welcoming"
"The best little venue in B.C."
"We have enjoyed many a fine performance at the Venue."
But our new location will be incredible
Our Mission Statement
The Venue - Performance and Visual Arts Society provides diverse local musical, filmic, theatrical and artistic engagement opportunities for artists and audiences, local and abroad, from all backgrounds and ages at various locations in the Creston Valley.
Wynter working on the logo over the concession service window.

08 Sept, The Venue organizes and sets up the sound stage at the 104th Fall Fair in Creston, BC.

The rear basement wall of the stage.

17 Sept Steve applies the sealant to the completed cement wall.

11 Sept, cement walls are being poured.
6 Sept, framing goes up to frame in for pouring the walls.
6 Sept, framing goes up to frame in for pouring the walls.
The foundation for the stage is poured. The walls comes next.
Sullivan Stone arrives with the concrete for the foundation.
Steve and his crew build the forms for the foundation.

Rick, Dev, Gill, Tracy, Gui.
Fund raising project, painting an house interior.
08 Sept, Performers up on the stage